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Pivot! A word made popular during the pandemic when life as usual was impossible. Widespread closures disrupted the delicate balance of our busy lives, requiring extra effort and accommodations to carry out even the simplest of tasks. It has been difficult, especially for women who lead and serve others. Drained, grieved, and overwhelmed are common emotions women use to describe how they feel post-pandemic.

Personally, I had to take time to grieve the loss I experienced during the crisis as the ministry I served for 10 years closed its doors. During the final months of operations, I connected with many ministry leaders who utilized the Bible studies we published. They shared their frustrations with the difficulties they faced trying to keep women in the Word and their hope on Christ, all while helping them navigate the challenges coming their way. Repeatedly, the leaders lamented over the sense of isolation experienced by their flock when their community groups ceased meeting. The burden of leadership felt even heavier for these women, myself included. Once the last of the closing details was completed, I asked the Lord how He wanted me to serve Him next.

He was having me pivot! During this transitional time, the Lord was close and provided new connections, authentic encouragement, and rejuvenated purpose. Now, I am called to do the same for the next generation of Christian women who lead and serve others.

Some women are leaders with titles, such as “Women’s Ministry Director” or “President.” Others may have a position of responsibility without an official title, such as a pastor’s wife or the go-to-person in the community. What unites these women is a deep desire to serve Jesus with everything they have – putting the needs of others first. However, if we are not intentional, we can shift from serving with the power of the Holy Spirit to tapping into our own strength – leading to burnout or worse, failing to serve well at all.

Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood” Acts 20:28 (NIV).

The principle of this verse is applicable, not only to pastors, but to all those who God has called to lead. As Christian women, anyone God gives us to serve is our flock. This is a command to take steps to protect our hearts, minds, and souls, as we are also taking care of the needs of others. Because the flock follows the shepherd, an essential component of leadership responsibility is to place safeguards in our lives to keep the Lord as the vision and source for what we do.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” Matthew 6:33 (ESV).

This is easier said than done when there are so many demands on our time in multiple areas of our lives. How quickly we can move from serving with purpose to simply going through the motions. I know this all-to-well. In those times of weariness, I felt like I was seeking to be in the Lord’s presence more than I was actually resting in His company.

In these draining seasons, the significance of community is highlighted. Having people who care about our emotional and spiritual well-being as they lift us to the throne of God in prayer strengthens our ability to press on towards the goal the Lord has given us (Philippians 4:13).

Additionally, having a like-minded community with people who are not a part of our ministry is incredibly helpful. Beyond having a safe place to share the specific burdens of leadership, the members can glean from each other’s experiences. This benefit of sharing insights with others in similar situations is not new. Business leaders experience this within focused mastermind groups. Pastors share with one another in accountability groups. Finding this type of group specifically for Christian female leaders, however, is rare.  

After talking to countless women in leadership, 100% of them agreed that this type of ministry is necessary. Sensing a divine nudge, I invited several women to fast and pray about the solution. The result is a new ministry focused on equipping, encouraging, and empowering Christian women, including the next generation of female leaders, in roles of leadership and responsibility.

The reality of leadership can be very isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. We gathered women from different backgrounds and life phases to form a community where we can share our experiences and knowledge with one another through online platforms, live events, and retreats. Our heart-felt prayer is for women with the God-given call to lead to have a safe community to share the realities of ministry, ask hard-to-answer questions, and gain biblical insights specifically for leaders.  We believe that meaningful connection helps us keep our focus on Christ Jesus in a way that lightens the burdens that come with our responsibility.

It is time to pivot from surviving to thriving in your ministry. It is time for a fresh perspective.

Fresh Perspective Ministries

Jesus. Connection. Encouragement. Purpose.

Curating Resources and Cultivating Relationships for the Next Generation of Christian Women Who Lead and Serve Others.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” John 14:27 (ESV).