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Who We Are

Our Purpose

We are a collaborative of Christian women who lead others in ministry, at work, and within the community. Our team has experienced incredible joys serving the Lord. But we have also experienced lonely isolation and deep hurts along the way. We e know first-hand the need to be equipped and encouraged in our leadership calling.

Our heartfelt desire is to offer much needed support to our sisters in Christ as they lead and serve others. No matter how seasoned you are or how new to a ministry role you might be, at some point it is important to feel seen, valued, and heard. We are all faced with unique challenges for which we could benefit from the insights of others in similar situations. Our overarching goal is to be a community to help each other continue with our God-given assignments as commanded in Hebrews 12:1 (NLT).

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

We do not claim to be experts, but we have learned how helpful a fresh perspective can be for keeping our focus on Jesus – especially when the journey is difficult. Join us as we equip, encourage, and empower one another to lead and serve as the Lord has called us (Ephesians 4:12).

What We Do

Christian women lead at their best when there is plenty of margin in their lives to ensure they are being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually filled. Yet, the many demands on women makes focusing on being adequately supplied a luxury they must postpone. As a result, many women are serving with their reserves dangerously close to empty.  

For women new to leading, they put a “yes” on the table and are now in leadership role. They want to do well, but don’t quite know what they need to carry out their responsibility.

Fresh Perspective Ministries is here to help with connections with other women in similar positions, inspiration for leading well, and resources by seasoned experts.

  • We gather C.O.R.E. groups for growth, accountability, and prayer that is Christ Oriented, Relationally Encouraging (C.O.R.E.).
  • We host prayer sessions, training workshops, and restorative retreats.
  • We provide articles of interest, book reviews, and podcasts to enhance your ability to lead and serve others well.
  • We offer consulting and coaching services to personalize your leadership growth.


In times of difficulty, the natural human response is to take flight, to fight, or to freeze. However, there is another option – walk with faith even when it is hard.

Traci Martin


Christian women benefit greatly from sharpening their ministry irons with others in similar roles. Although connecting with other female ministry leaders can be difficult, it is worth the effort. The options for Christian women conferences are plenty, but events and resources specifically for women in leadership are limited. Our organization was created in response to many women expressing their need for community and prayer. The organization serves as a hub of resources as well as provides opportunities to connect with other Christian women in leadership. Welcome to Fresh Perspective Ministries!

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I'm Ready

Our Team

Cindy Switzer

Ministry Board/Co-Founder

Patricia Arps

Ministry Board/Co-Founder

Traci Martin


Cathy Seo

Ministry Board/Co-Founder

What We Believe


We believe in one God, creator and sustainer of all things, who chose to relate to mankind in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Known as the Trinity, they are eternal in existence, equal in power, and united in love.


We believe mankind was created in the image of God, but through man’s disobedience, every person suffered separation from God, in spiritual death and earned the consequence of physical death. Because of His great love, God provided an eternal refuge for mankind, but the wage for man’s sin must first be paid.


We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, divinely inspired and without error as originally written. It completely reveals God’s will for salvation and his ongoing story of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ.


We believe God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to receive the payment for sin with His own life. For those who believe that Jesus’ sacrifice was for them, He becomes their Lord and Master. Imparting believers with His righteousness, Jesus’ sacrificial death restores their right relationship with God.


We believe Jesus, as the Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. He died a substitution death, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven and He will return again to reign.


We believe the Holy Spirit indwells all believers, encouraging and equipping their life and work.


We believe in the hope of eternity and that Jesus will return in bodily form to make all things new again. Every human will stand accountable before the judgement seat of God for their life on earth. For those who rejected the forgiveness of Christ, everlasting damnation awaits. For those with the righteousness of Christ, everlasting blessings await,