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Retreats, Resources, and Relationships

Helping Women Thrive in Ministry

Who Needs a Fresh Perspective?

You do! As a Christian woman you have been called to influence the world around you for Jesus – that makes you a leader. Whether you are a seasoned director or just taking the first steps of your leadership journey, you will gain valuable insights in a Christ-oriented, relationally encouraging (CORE) community with other leaders.
In a CORE community of women with a God-given call to lead, women flourish. Sharing knowledge and experiences with others from different ministry contexts provides inspiration and leadership development, while fostering valuable friendships. It’s time for your Fresh Perspective!

Be Supported with Fresh Perspective

Ministry shouldn't be isolating

When it comes to leading ministries, women tend to give everything they have. Our faith is often strengthened by the encouragement and enrichment we receive from those we serve. Yet sometimes it takes everything we have to take care of the people around us. . Our ability to continue leading with excellence depends on our ability to refresh ourselves in the Lord through the day-to-day ups and downs of ministry. To gain new insights, ask for prayer, and share confidentially with other ministry-minded women, we need a network beyond our ministry context.

If you are looking for such a network, Fresh Perspective Ministries can help!

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

Flourish for a Fresh Perspective

Christian women called to leadership positions in ministry or in the community are invited to participate in the CORE Community. During our conversations together, we strive to strengthen and build the skills needed to effectively lead for Christ. Moreover, the insights of others from different organizations provide you with a fresh perspective on your own position. As a result, genuine encouragement is offered, and friendships are formed with other women in similar situations.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

Join the Comunity

Join the community for information about upcoming CORE conversations and events. There is no obligation to join.

Community for a Fresh Perspective

Stay connected with Fresh Perspective Ministries with a quarterly newsletter and social media.

Why You Need a Fresh Perspective


Lay Leader for Pastoral Support, Florida

In today’s media driven society, women in leadership often feel the pressure to appear perfect to those around them.  They need a safe place to let the walls down – to hear and be heard, to rest and recharge. 


Women’s Ministry in California

Women don’t know they need a support group outside of their normal ministry context until the bottom falls out.

Lynn Bauman

Walnut Hills Community Church, Bethel, CT

Leadership can be a lonely place for women. But it doesn’t have to be! We were meant for community and connection and to encourage one another. Community with other women in Christian leadership can open doors of opportunity to grow, be encouraged (or to encourage) and to step more fully into the plans and purpose God has for you!

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