Just breath. Perhaps you are like me – you’re doing fine. But if we are honest, we could really use a break – time to get a fresh perspective. There is so much need around us and so much we need to do, that a big pause button would be welcomed. To stop, or at least slow the demands for our attention, would give us the space we need to listen more than we speak in our prayers to God, to think creatively through our responsibilities, and to catch our breath. I have been there more often than I care to admit.
What I have learned is that if I don’t pay attention to need to pause, it is not long before I am overwhelmed and, on my way to burning out. I know I am not alone in this – especially after all of the events of 2020 that have disrupted all of our lives. As Christian women in leadership or who care for the needs of others, we not only carry our own loads, emotional, physical, and spiritual, but also the loads of others. As we should!
Galatians 6:2 states, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” As believers, we are loving one another as commanded by Jesus, when we help them with their issues (John 13:34). It sure does seem as if the burdens people are carrying have gone bigger and heavier. Guiding others through life, regardless of how heavy, to see and obey Christ in their circumstances is the very nature of discipleship (John 13:35). It is Christian leadership, with or without an official or professional position.
As Christian women we lovingly serve others in a church, in the culture, and even in our families. As we put the needs of others first, we are living out the truth in Philippians 2:3, 4, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” But unless we are intentional, can pour ourselves out physically, emotionally, and even spiritually, until there is nothing left in us to give. It doesn’t have to be that way. That’s not what is meant by dying to self (Luke 9:23). It is about being so filled with Christ that what we have been given overflows to the lives of those around us (Galatians 2:20).
We know the wisdom of spending time with God through His Word and in prayer, of seeking godly counsel for issues we must address, and of taking time to rest so we can be more effective in ministering to the needs of others. However, how easy it is for the demands of the day to hijack our conversations with the Lord, and for the counsel from those we are doing life with to echo what we have already thought, and for rest to be nothing more than collapsing in bed exhausted.
What we need is true restoration and refreshment that comes from pausing from our usual pace and usual place. Sounds like a vacation! How great it would be to all vacation together! However, what Jesus did for Peter, James, and John was far better than any vacation. Tending to the needs of crowds was exhausting. Jesus regularly left the demands of the day behind to be alone with his Father (Luke 5:15-16), and he modeled this with his disciples (Matthew 20:17). Shortly after Jesus started to reveal the truth about the crucifixion and resurrection, he took Peter, James, and John with him to pray. While praying, they witnessed Jesus transforming into dazzling white and Moses and Elijah were with him. The voice of God spoke to them and told them to listen to his Son, the Chosen One. Peter, James, and John were exhausted, but the glory of God they experienced restored them beyond what any amount of rest could do (Luke 9:28-32).
After pulling away from the routine of their daily lives, after new truths being revealed, and after experiencing the glory of God, these followers of Jesus had a Fresh Perspective that would equip and encourage them to lead and serve after Jesus ascended back to the Father.
From the twelve disciples, the responsibility of leadership and service has been passed on to believers today. And it can still be challenging and exhausting at times, and truth be told, it can be pretty lonely. The situations I must navigate myself and with others usually do not have easy or quick answers. Based on the stories from countless women in ministry and caring for others, this is a common experience.
We should follow the rhythms of meeting with Jesus through meditating on God’s Word and through prayer – as a daily practice and intentional time alone with God. As the Holy Spirit illuminates Scripture, our minds are transformed and we are able to discern the will of God (Romans 12:2). As I have studied about leadership from the Bible, rarely was anyone serving alone – Jesus included. It seems to me there is great wisdom in learning from one another. After all Proverbs 27:1 states, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
The uniqueness of every person, their personality and life experiences provide insights that we would be impossible for us to know – without them sharing. The body of believers is such a gift for one another. As we hear how God was glorified in someone else’s life, we are encouraged in our own lives. More than that, it equips us to be able to guide those we are leading or caring for, when they are experiencing a challenge that is unfamiliar to us.
My life has certainly been filled with many challenging experiences and I have learned a great deal about God, myself, and others in those situations. I found great wisdom and comfort speaking to other women who experienced similar conditions. They were able to point out helpful Scripture and practical suggestions that gave me a fresh perspective of what I was walking through. Just as important, they were not involved in my daily life or my situations. They would ask questions to help clarify and highlight concepts that only someone on the outside looking in could assess. Their coaching was invaluable.
Now, it is time to share the blessing with others. The Lord has brought many gifted and mature Christian women together to share their unique message – all rooted in God’s Word. Our hope is to provide opportunities and environments to connect likeminded Christian women together for mutual sharing and support. It is a huge responsibility to lead and guide others in their walks with the Lord – which is why we are starting Fresh Perspective Ministries.
Our hope is to encourage and equip Christian women in their ministry calling with a Fresh Perspective – through meaningful resources and connections with other likeminded women.
Join us on this journey as we seek to glorify God through His work in the lives of women.